
PS3 BD2HDD - PlayStation 3 BD Game to HDD Game GUI App

Today user has released PS3 BD2HDD, a PlayStation 3 BD game to HDD game GUI application which automaticly creates a HDD patch NPDRM package for your desired game, followed by some revisions below.

Download: PS3 BD2HDD v0.1b / PS3 BD2HDD v0.1c / PS3 BD2HDD v0.1d / PS3 BD2HDD v0.2a

To quote: Features:

-ppf support now you can create and apply ppf files of your working games! but please don't forget to state where to put the files
-easy to use
-some patch options to try
-keeps path lengths (maybe better compatibility)


1. select local game directory (don't select PS3_GAME)
2. choose a name for the games backup folder (exactly 6 letters and/or digits)
3. choose a patch method (try different, if game crashes)
4. choose the firmware your ps3 is on
5. click patch
6. you can find your pkg in the directory you extracted my tool
7. ftp your backup (contents of PS3_GAME!) to /dev_hdd0/z/XXXXXX (chosen at step 2)
8. install the package you generated


-3.55 geohot fw? maybe 3.41 jailbroken works too
-a game to test on your PC's HDD
-FTP Server installed on your PS3


-when using ppf patches you don't have a choice between internal or external
(defined in ppf)
-this is an experimental release, plz report fail/success here
-pkgs with PS3_GAME warnings may still work
-added experimental support for external drives (might change path length)
-small patches

How to make a PPF?

-click create
-select your unedited and patched eboot (.elf)
-click make patch file
-you can find your ppf in the directory you extracted my tool

thx to: fail0verflow, geohot, kayot for his great idea

REPORTED WORKING without PPF so far:

-Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
-Batman Arkham Asylum
-Battlefield 2
-Brunswick Pro Bowling (aggressive)
-Dead Space
-Gods of War Collection
-GTA 4 (edit param.sfo back to GD after installing pkg)
-James Bond Bloodstone
-Just Cause 2
-Monopoly Streets
-Naughty Bear
-Rock Band: The Beatles
-Saints Row 2
-Sam Heroes
-Silent Hill (aggressive)
-Singstar vol 3
-Tomb Raider: Underworld (external & internal)
-Uncharted Drakes Fortune
-Virtua Fighter 5
*more results plz

-improved auto patching (+ compatibility)

How to Prevent Your PS3 from Being Banned for Homebrew

There have been quite a few articles about possible things that Sony could end up doing to try and stop PS3 homebrew, and here are all the potential solutions I have noticed thus far.

PS3's will start sending a recently played list to check for homebrew titles / flagged names:

Pretty obvious solution here. Just start naming the homebrews after currently existing titles, Or titles of bad games. Such as we can take the game name / BLUS for the game FLOCK (worst game ever that nobody will play) and install a master manager under that name.

So while it looks like everyone is playing FLOCK, We will actually be using a multimanager for FTP's, Backups, and Emulators.

Sony disabling update by USB in the next patch:

There are a few options we can take if we end up accidentally getting hit with this.

For people who update and can no longer install from usb:

Either the firmware will need a pre-installed pkg manager with firmware update options, Or they will have to do a dnas redirect to their computer to check for an update.

For people who have not updated to the new firmware that disables it:

Download the firmware and simply patch the firmware to alter the USB access as well so it does not get disabled to begin with!

Sub-level secondary key-signing program:

Well. in this sense, We would be absolutely screwed. If we were to install the firmware, Even with a pkg signer, We wouldn't be able to do a thing.

We would simply have to hope that someone would notice it uses a secondary keysign, find it in the firmware, and remove it before it becomes a problem.

How to truly help everyone there is for future firmwares:

We need a program with a GUI for firmware patching, Yeah I know one is out already, But it needs more OPTIONS! Options people!!!

We need a windows / linux firmware patcher with a GUI featuring the following options in the form of checkboxes.
  • Level 1 patching
  • Level 2 patching
  • Level 3 patching
  • Install PKG File option
  • Update from USB option
  • Playstation store links in VIDEO tab
  • Playstation store links in GAME tab
  • Check for firmware update on network connection establish
I am certain a gui windows / linux auto-patcher for all current firmwares would be WONDERFUL and would probably make the world a happier place.

Hell, I don't know of a single person who wouldn't want these options for an autopatcher.

Oh, And someone hurry up and figure out the npdrm so we can get an autopatcher for EBOOT's that works.

How to Prevent Your PS3 from Being Banned for Homebrew


E3 Card Reader - Review


The E3 Card Reader is an impressive piece of hardware that can be misused by others, as a jailbreak dongle for PlayStation 3.
The actual main functions of the pretty stick in the Apple design are really the MicroSD card reader or the possibility microSD / SDHC cards to lure to the stick using the security update and that (even without SecurityLock) as a USB stick on all PC's use.
For the firmware update is the function of the E3 Card Reader for experimental development is a primary focus.

(Click to enlarge the images / click to enlarge)


The interior of the E3 Card Readers can be proud. The case looks well made and the white plastic looks very elegant.
The slot for the MicroSD card for microSDHC compatible (up to 32GB) cards, makes a robust impression that mircoSD card is stuck and can very well remove it from the E3 Card Reader.
The onboard flash has a 4MB memory, 32-bit CPU processor has 128K of storage space for payloads and firmware updates.
The other components have been just as valuable as the board gefertig were attached to the components.
High-E3 Card Reader that is very well equipped and has been processed.
Only the white color does not fit the PlayStation 3, however, the E3 Card Reader not made directly to the PS3. The case seems a bit unstable and cheap processed, is at the cheaper price, but so no reason to complain.

(Click to enlarge the images / click to enlarge)


The E3 Card Reader works on the PS3 as well as any other PS Jailbreakmodus Jailbreak dongle for the PS3.
That is, if you want to take advantage of homebrew applications, the console must provide power and launch the PS3 in connection with the power switch and press shortly on the Ejectbutton.
The Jailbreakmodus works perfectly.
At E3, the PS3 card reader of the payload hardware control to the transfer of the PS3 software has detected a USB stick, that is, Homebrew apps can directly access the internal memory of the E3 card reader to copy.
Pictures, music and movies can theoretically also use this path, but the internal memory for most things is far too small.
The test used in the 2GB microSD card is not recognized by the E3 PS3 via card reader, an update could fix this in the near future, but (instead of 4MB memory as the storage so the SD card could be displayed or used).
Apps but you can still install the one with the triangle button selects the homebrew packages from the SD card.
Manufacturer updates, dual boot mode, PL3 & Hermes payloads and the downgrade of the E3 function card reader are working properly.
As a USB flash drive with 2GB MicroSD card from Sandisk E3 card reader was used on the PC as well, even here there was no reason to complain.
The possibility of the microSD card (just the SD encryption firmware via drag and drop the update partition of the E3 Card Readers slide) on the card reader lure is very funny, a master key would be not bad, eventually you can lose the E3 Card Reader .
However, if you want to make James Bond can attract its MicroSD card on the E3 card reader and the card to make it unreadable to all other card readers.
The write speed when copying data to the 4MB memory is way slow.

(Click to enlarge the images / click to enlarge)


The stick is quite simply be updated, it is entirely sufficient if the update of the manufacturer to the internal memory (E3Upgrader) of the E3 Card Readers grabs.
Thanks to dual-boot feature, it is possible 2 payloads on the stick by the official E3 Card Reader update to use.
MircoSD you put a card in the payload of the stick Kakaroto (PL3) is started, no SD card in the slot of the E3 microSDHC Card Reader is the Hermes payload booted.
What is booted payload depends on the manufacturers update.
Throw it without microSD card has a payload of Hermes to the internal memory is this boot first (Hermes payload must be copied to the h.hex E3_4M_STICK partition). The payload must Kakaroto PL3 as k.hex E3_4M_Stick the partition of the E3 card reader to copy if it is to be started.
The boot sequence is as follows:

1. Micro SD card
2. E3_4M_Stick (ie the internal 4MB memory)
3. E3UPGRADER (the update partition)

Here one is so easy to transmit through the update function and the possibility of several. Hex files to the E3 Card Reader very independent and can you just experimenting with the dual boot features without additional software with the two most payloads.
Other payloads can incidentally also be used, or simply in h.hex k.hex free.hex or rename and copy it to the E3_4M_Stick partition of the stick.

Official updates released by the way also quite fast, the last update added the PS3 v3.55 Firmwarespoof and the dual boot mode.

(Click to enlarge the images / click to enlarge)


Before your PS3 firmware version v3.50 downgraded to you you should be aware that does not work in older versions of PS3 (PS3 Fat) with 256MB NAND playback of Blu-ray movies for a downgrade.
In order to avoid this must have been created before downgrading a backup of the Dev_Flash3 partion, that is, the console must have been gejailbreakt before updating to 3.50 already, to the need to have a backup of Dev_Flash3 folder after the downgrade from 3.50 to example, 3:41 must be restored.

In the following overview you can see if that works after downgrading the Blu-ray playback with no problems with you yet.
A fix without Dev_Flash3 backup is available here: > CLICK < .

The downgrade to the E3 Card Reader works as follows:

  • It has a USB Stick (FAT/FAT32 formatted) with the 2 files Lv2Diag.self (filter 1) and the modified 3:41 Pub prepare (Downloads / Links to the files, including the package DGF.rar are not permitted) in the root to prepare the USB stick, that is, copy both just fell on the USB stick, other files should not be on the USB stick.
  • Now the E3 Card Reader with installed firmware downgrade is plugged into the PS3 (the downgrade firmware must first of course, be transferred to the E3 card reader, that is, the fix must e3downgrader beta.bin BD are transferred to the E3 Card Reader), the PS3 is now supplied with electricity (power switch plug (PS3 Fat) or mains (PS3 Slim)), following your start the console in such a way as you would in the Jailbreakmodus do, that is, press the Power button and immediately following will be on the Ejectknopf pressed. The PS3 should be switched off after a short time.
  • Now the PS3 console is switched on again to make sure that the PlayStation in Service Factory mode, so you can see if, on the right side of the PS3 XMB menu, a red image with Factory Service see mode.
  • Turns off the console and can extract the E3 Card Reader.
  • Now the prepared USB stick in the right, so last USB port plugged into the PS3 and the console is again turned on without E3 Card Reader with a USB stick. The image will remain black, and after several minutes of waiting time, the Power LED flashes green before the PS3, the console turns off.
  • The console should not be turned off while the system is the old firmware installed.
  • The USB stick can now be removed and the console can be started normally. Now make sure that the PS3 homebrew suitable installed firmware 3.41 to the PlayStation.
  • If you want to downgrade to a firmware that contains the OtherOS function (only Fat PS3) you can do this with an official update now.
  • The two files (. PUP and the LV2Diag.self (File 1)) must now be deleted on the PC from the USB stick. Now copy the file LV2Diag.self 2 on the USB stick and start the console with an inserted USB stick (LV2Diag.self File 2 must again be in the root of the USB sticks). The PS3 is now switched off after about 10 seconds.
  • Now the USB stick can be removed completely and the E3 Card Reader can be re-equipped with the jailbreak firmware.

(Click to enlarge the images / click to enlarge)

Pro Contra
128k + processor - White only available in
+ 4MB onboard memory - Known issues when downgrading (some PS3 Fat)
Downgrade + Feature - Housing looks a bit cheap
+ Good hardware -
+ Compatible with all operating systems -
+ Sound SDHC Card Reader with Devfeature -
+ Good workmanship -
+ Cheap -
+ Used as a USB stick -
+ MicroSDHC support -
Dual Boot possible -
+ Easy update feature -
+ No need for software update -
+ Hexfiles unofficial support -
+ MicroSD card can be encrypted -
The E3 Card Reader makes my opinion right after all and is, in my view the best sticks that can be used for the PS3. Regardless of the good hardware and downgrade the excellent PS3 features like easy to use Updater, the possibility of the PS3, the support of unofficial PS3 payloads that were not the manufacturer itself ported to the rather good dual boot feature adds even the features are independent of the Funktionatlität in a PlayStation 3 are possible. Anyone looking for a good USB card reader with encryption options for SD card can do with this solid product in a stylish design with excellent hardware and software due to the low price definitely nothing wrong.


PS3 3.55 to 3.41 Firmware Downgrader is Now Available!

Just under a week ago we reported on news of a successful PS3 downgrade from 3.55 to 3.41 Firmware, however, it ended up not being reproducible until a PS3 3.55 to 3.41 Firmware Downgrader arrived today courtesy of solidpsycho through a guide from AmazingLarry.

Download: Lv2diag_355 / PS3 3.55 Downgrade (3.41) / PS3 3.55 Downgrade (3.41) (Mirror)

To quote: Here is a patched 3.41 that allows you to downgrade. I patched the info0 to 356, and I also used Warrens method to bypass the br drive during the update. I have tested this on both of my PS3's and haven't run into any problems.

3.55 Downgrade has been confirmed on both FAT and SLIM consoles.

Please note you CANNOT use these files if you bought a PS3 that came stock with FW 3.50. DO NOT DO IT. STOP NOW.


You may want to download geo's 3.55-jb and install that and blackb0x ftp if you have not, it will be very useful for the next bit.

Blackb0x FTP server 1.2: Blackb0xFTP for 3.55 FW

If you have a fat PS3 with 256MB NAND you will need to back up your dev_flash folders, as you WILL LOSE BLURAY PLAYBACK. (on my FAT model i restored the DRL1 and DRL2 files in del_flash(2?) I did get to however keep all of my signed 3.55-jb homebrew, and it all works in retail mode except of course backup managers)

If you have a Small NAND SLIM or FAT console it would be a good idea to do one or both of the following:

In the XMB perform a system backup to save installed Homebrew you may have and gamesaves etc.. to an external device (i did this with my slim and it worked perfectly, all my installed signed homebrew from 3.55-jb works in retail 3.41 now)


make a COMPLETE backup of your HDD on your ps3 using ftp, although i dont think installed packages can be moved back over simply by ftp. i only tested the first method.

And now to downgrade:

You will need a downgrader dongle, search the forums for a DIY or buy one, or get an android/iphone, or an ipod nano, etc...

1) Unplug or switch off your console and then switch back on or plug back in.

2) While still OFF connect your Jailbreak/Downgrade device and press POWER then quickly Eject, you PS3 console should turn itself off automatically

3) OPTIONAL - Turn your PS3 on to verify you are in Service Mode (you will see a big red box, you can't miss it) then turn your PS3 back OFF

4) Place the lv2diag.self (FILE 1) from the archive and the PS3UPDAT.PUP (3.41 FW) from the archive on the root of a usb device and plug into the rightmost port on your console (dev_usb0)

5) Power on your PS3 with the usb device in and have a coffee, it can take a few moments for the PUP to install, your PS3 will turn off automatically

NOTE: if your system seems unresponsive and the light just stays green for ten minutes or more you need to use a different usb stick. i've had sporadic results with several different sticks.

6) Power your ps3 back on, you should still be in service mode, check your FW version now to verify you have downgraded successfully. Turn Off

7) Remove previous archive files from usb stick and now place lv2diag.self (FILE 2) on the root of your usb stick

8) Place usb stick in rightmost port of your PS3 (dev_usb0)

9) Turn PS3 back on with usb in place, it should turn itself off very shortly after.

10) Turn your PS3 back on and go through the configuration again.

5C3B09C7FB0655D3F8852D3AAD778025 PS3UPDAT.PUP (3.41 FW)
099F33A7967F99E91C07E870FD78B3DB Lv2diag.self (FILE 1)
7A20BFDAE65EEFB47A4425DB1B52DCDE Lv2diag.self (FILE 2)

All done!

Thanks mathieulh, solidpsycho, and everyone else.