The break-apart controller is supposedly similar to that of the Wii-mote, where you can break the controller apart and end up with two separate stick like controllers. The controllers are tracked via several different methods to pin-point its exact coordinates. The controller generates an ultrasound that the PSeye’s microphone can pick up. The controller also has LED lights that the PSeye camera can also pickup.
I believe the concept is similar to this freaky video made by a Sony developer, where it looks like you are actually looking into a 3D room. The controller also has something called an Accelerometer, which can detect rotation and xyz planes. A user on NeoGaf has posted pictures of the Sony patent for the break-apart controller.
The device uses plates that can be switched out for a different face plate. The controllers can be connected on ends to form a long stick. Not only does it look like some sort of massaging device, it also looks obscene with two balls on the end of the stick. What were those crazy Sony engineers thinking?
With so many moving parts and reliance on switching out face plates, I am not so sure that this controller is practical. However, considering Sony’s desire to cater to the casual market this controller or something similar to it could conceivably come out in the near future.
On the other hand it could just be another kooky patent that never gets used, sort of like the PS3 VR gloves.
If Sony does decide to release this controller in its current patent form, it may beat out the original Xbox Duke for the ‘ugliest controller ever’ title.
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